EuCF The European Coaching Federation  
A european framework for quality in coaching and training       
Application for Accreditation

We offer the following types of membership:
  • Student membership Yellow  —  25,- EUR/year
  • Practitioner membership Orange and Green —  40,- EUR/year
  • Full membership - Certified European Coach (CEUC) Blue and Black  —  100,- EUR/year
  • Teaching Coach membership - Certified European Teaching Coach (CEUTC): Black plus teaching coach assessment  —  250,- EUR/year
  • Institute membership EUCF CI (3 teaching coaches)  —  500,- EUR/year
For accreditation please send us an email with all your relevant personal data and certificates to

EuCF       EuCF - European Coaching Federation
last update: 27-07-2024        A - 1090 Vienna -- Widerhofergasse 4 -- tel. +43-1-317 67 80 -- -- ZVR-Zahl: 297430493